A mother's tales

I'm a mother, student, daughter..who is trying to remember the little things in life that influence me. I like to shop with my mom and sisters, dance with Ava, and am always searching for the perfect pair of heels. Ava, my little mamacita, is a huge inspiration and will likely take up most of my blogs. On a personal note, I like watching reality tv, am terrified of frogs and roaches, like Mexican food. My dream job would be being a writer for a soap opera.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Real Truth

My sister sent this to me and I thought it was a little funny...

Eve's Chat with God - The Real Truth

"Lord, I have a problem."

"What's the problem,Eve?" "I know that you created me and
provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, as well
as that hilarious comedic snake, but I'm just not happy." "And why is that
Eve?" "Lord, I am lonely, and I'm
sick to death of apples." "Well, Eve, in that case, I have a
solution. I shall create a man for you." "Man? What is that
Lord?" "A flawed creature, with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat
and be vain; all in all, he'll give you a hard time. But he'll be bigger,
faster and will like to hunt and kill things. I'll create him in such a way
that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and will revel
in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be as
smart as you, so he will also need your advice to think properly." "Sounds
great," says Eve, with ironically raised eyebrows, "but what's the catch

"Well,...you can have him on one condition." "And what's that
Lord? " "As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant and self-admiring...so you'll
have to let him believe that I made him first.
And it will have to be our little secret...you know, woman to woman."

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ava first joke!

So, I think Ava tried to make a joke today. It was so cute and kinda funny (for a two year old). I was busy in the kitchen cleaning and preparing...and Ava walks up to me with one of her balls (she's got a blue soccer ball and a blue bouncy ball with a couple ladybugs on it). She says, so seriously, "Where's my blue ball?" I was in the middle of my cleaning and was like "I don't know, Maybe it's in your playroom". She just looked at me and said, "Maybe it's in my hand". Then she just started laughing and walked away.

It's funny to see how her thought process is expanding to the point where she has formed a joke scenario to tell me. It really was kinda funny. The already apparent use of sarcasm makes me a little nervous..but it was cute. She did replay this scene with me a few more times throughout the day.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hey Mambo

O'k...so Ava loves music. She has music class at school every Monday and the teacher says that Ava always proudly sings louder than all the other kids. Most of the time she sings "ABC", "Twinkle Twinkle" "Gege Baba (chinese)"...and a few others....but lately she's taken a liking to a little bit of Rosemary Clooney, especially the hit "Mambo Italiano" (scroll down to hear).

Ofcourse I've introduced her to this, but all I hear lately is "Hey Mambo.." It's really cute.
Check it out.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A change of "Displaying Christianity"

Well, previously I wrote a blog about "displaying christianity" and when you should tell people or just show people with your life about God....I ended the blog with a quote from St. Francis of Asissi (not Andre Agassi..Thanks Ryan) saying to only use words when necessary but mainly show people with your actions.
I've been thinking about this a lot since then and have come to the conclusion that the people in my life who have had the most profound influence on my walk with God have been the ones who have "Told" me about their relationship with God and what he's done for them. They have been the ones to always have a scripture verse ready to reassure me and maybe at times convince me. Ofcourse, their actions have always been enforcing their walk with God.
These are the people who have made me seek a better relationship with Christ...so, in that sense...TALK ON!!!!

Tell people about Jesus and the things he has done for you and reinforce that with your actions. Some do say Actions speak Louder than words, but who says words are quietly heard????

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Too Rebellious

This past Sunday, Naeem talked about King Zeddekiah and the rebellion that cost him and his family their lives. During the service, William leaned over to me and said "Ava is already rebellious". He wasn't really joking, but being serious as he discovered that she already has a sinful nature. I've heard many times "You're born in sin...." which I believe is true, but the realization he had was in some way fear that she's not that perfect little angel image he's had in his head.

We kinda laugh about Ava's rebellion when we're using reverse psychology on her to make her eat her corn, put on her shoes, give kisses. "Don't eat your corn" and she eats every last bite as she laughs in victory. But it's interesting because God doesn't use reverse psychology on us to make us do what he wants...he lets us have our way (as was one of Naeem's points). This for Ava would be rice, peanuts, french fries and ice cream for everyone.
But more than that is the realization as parents what we must do next to let her realize the decisions that she makes may be harmful. Ofcourse the full consumption of this idea will not fully be understood at two,but when she's older she will be faced with rebellious tendecies throughout life.
Probably my reverse psychology won't work at that time and I'll face a new set of issues as I help her realize the result of rebellion.

I had never heard the story of King Zeddekiah before the service on Sunday, but it was really interesting and sad. It's a great story for one to come face to face with what may be a sinful nature in them and address it before it's too late.

Check it out.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A little bit about..

O'k...So you know how so many people think that you can really tell a lot about a person by what's in their refridgerator?....What about what's in their cars? CD player (or ipod)? what books they're reading? or movies they're seeing?

So, in my car is a stroller, an outside blanket for parks, two umbrellas, Ava and my sunglasses, hand sanitizer, wipes, napkins, an extra change of clothes (for ava) a couple plastic bags (if I need to use those extra change of clothes), a windjacket for Ava...just incase, and countless Dora the Explorer videos. Wow!! How life has changed. Before I had a baby, I had so many extra clothes in my car for myself (in case I didn't make it home before going out that night).

CD Player: Well, I have a six disc CD player in the car which holds, 3 Tiny Tots CDs and Gnarles Barkley, Pussy Cat Dolls, and Rhiana.

Summer books: Well unfortunately, I only have time right now to read school books, but fortunately, I took an English class and we got to read some really great books.
First, we read The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. It was so great. It was written in vignette style, which are kind of like little stories of one's life. I really liked this way of writing, so I wrote my own style of vignettes over the years my mother was living in Venezuela as a child. I wrote it as if she was telling the story. We also read Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. This book is amazing as a young woman struggles to find her place and blooms in sadness. If you don't have time to read it, watch it. Oprah created a movie about it since it was her "favorite book of all times". It stars Ms. Halley Berry and is breathtaking. I really enjoyed it, and that's not just the English major side of me talking, it was well worth it.
Now, I'm reading about the American Government and International Politics. Interesting? Yes, but not as creative as the others.

Movies: Well since I've been taking summer courses and have been so busy I really haven't had time to go to the movies. I did see "Pirates of the Carribean 2" That was really good, but what Johnny Depp movie isn't? I also watched "Lord of War" with Nicholas Cage and "Munich". They are both kind of political movies, but really good..especially "Munich". I would love to go see "John Tucker Must Die", but William's not as thrilled to see that one, so anyone wanna go???

O'k, so do you feel you can tell a little bit about me now? What about you, what have you been filling your summer with...and car?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Your Worst Nightmare

I used to be scared of horror movies.....now I've found what's really scary!!