A mother's tales

I'm a mother, student, daughter..who is trying to remember the little things in life that influence me. I like to shop with my mom and sisters, dance with Ava, and am always searching for the perfect pair of heels. Ava, my little mamacita, is a huge inspiration and will likely take up most of my blogs. On a personal note, I like watching reality tv, am terrified of frogs and roaches, like Mexican food. My dream job would be being a writer for a soap opera.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Too Rebellious

This past Sunday, Naeem talked about King Zeddekiah and the rebellion that cost him and his family their lives. During the service, William leaned over to me and said "Ava is already rebellious". He wasn't really joking, but being serious as he discovered that she already has a sinful nature. I've heard many times "You're born in sin...." which I believe is true, but the realization he had was in some way fear that she's not that perfect little angel image he's had in his head.

We kinda laugh about Ava's rebellion when we're using reverse psychology on her to make her eat her corn, put on her shoes, give kisses. "Don't eat your corn" and she eats every last bite as she laughs in victory. But it's interesting because God doesn't use reverse psychology on us to make us do what he wants...he lets us have our way (as was one of Naeem's points). This for Ava would be rice, peanuts, french fries and ice cream for everyone.
But more than that is the realization as parents what we must do next to let her realize the decisions that she makes may be harmful. Ofcourse the full consumption of this idea will not fully be understood at two,but when she's older she will be faced with rebellious tendecies throughout life.
Probably my reverse psychology won't work at that time and I'll face a new set of issues as I help her realize the result of rebellion.

I had never heard the story of King Zeddekiah before the service on Sunday, but it was really interesting and sad. It's a great story for one to come face to face with what may be a sinful nature in them and address it before it's too late.

Check it out.


  • At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As always, I enjoy my secret readership of your blog and will remain so as long as you blog.


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