A mother's tales

I'm a mother, student, daughter..who is trying to remember the little things in life that influence me. I like to shop with my mom and sisters, dance with Ava, and am always searching for the perfect pair of heels. Ava, my little mamacita, is a huge inspiration and will likely take up most of my blogs. On a personal note, I like watching reality tv, am terrified of frogs and roaches, like Mexican food. My dream job would be being a writer for a soap opera.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A change of "Displaying Christianity"

Well, previously I wrote a blog about "displaying christianity" and when you should tell people or just show people with your life about God....I ended the blog with a quote from St. Francis of Asissi (not Andre Agassi..Thanks Ryan) saying to only use words when necessary but mainly show people with your actions.
I've been thinking about this a lot since then and have come to the conclusion that the people in my life who have had the most profound influence on my walk with God have been the ones who have "Told" me about their relationship with God and what he's done for them. They have been the ones to always have a scripture verse ready to reassure me and maybe at times convince me. Ofcourse, their actions have always been enforcing their walk with God.
These are the people who have made me seek a better relationship with Christ...so, in that sense...TALK ON!!!!

Tell people about Jesus and the things he has done for you and reinforce that with your actions. Some do say Actions speak Louder than words, but who says words are quietly heard????


  • At 1:21 PM, Blogger Ryan said…

    I thought Andre Agassi said "Image is Everything" on the Minolta commercials...I think it was St. Francis of Assisi that made your quote...great quote though...

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger bonnie said…

    LOL...mind you it was past midnight when I wrote this.....well, you figured it out which was the point. I'll fix that. (Wasn't he the tennis player?)


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