Displaying Christianity..
A girl in my class today was telling me of a couple horrible professors she had in the past, and one who would always compare christianity to the Nazi's and Jesus to Hitler. The first day of class he asked for all the christians to raise their hand and she made it clear that in order to survive in his class as a christian, you had to know what you believe. (Note to self, not taking that professor in the future...he would be in control of my grades!!!!!)
But, how do you come across being a christian without overdoing the topic or sometimes offending people? You obviously don't want to let things go because you don't like confrontation, but is a classroom really the best time? With thirty students in a class there usually are thirty different interpretations. How much preaching of christianity in a classroom is necessary?
I came across this quote today and thought this would be the best answer....
"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words"--Francis of Assisi
I'm not too sure who Francis is, but I think he's got the right idea...not necessarily the people in class that are defeding christianity are really displaying that outside of the classroom...so what kind of message does that send?
At 9:43 PM, Anonymous said…
I like that quote from St Francis, too. Words can get in the way. See you soon.
At 11:53 PM, bonnie said…
well, now I read that and think about it, and think...what about those who just need to hear it???
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