A mother's tales

I'm a mother, student, daughter..who is trying to remember the little things in life that influence me. I like to shop with my mom and sisters, dance with Ava, and am always searching for the perfect pair of heels. Ava, my little mamacita, is a huge inspiration and will likely take up most of my blogs. On a personal note, I like watching reality tv, am terrified of frogs and roaches, like Mexican food. My dream job would be being a writer for a soap opera.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bush has a potty mouth

O'k..this is why people love to talk about Bush...sometimes, he's a great source of entertainment. At a recent G8 luncheon, President Bush (not realizing that his microphone was on while talking to Prime Minister Tony Blair) calmly announced that "Syria needs to get Hezbollah to stop this S*%@!!!"

Ofcourse in my political science class, we had to have a discussion and not suprisingly many students didn't care that Bush dropped the "S" bomb and felt that they better relate to him.
My professor told us a story of a former president, President Truman. Apparently his daughter loved to sing and he loved his daughter. One time she sang in Carnegie Hall. In the audience was her family, including her proud papa. One reporter wrote an in depth critical critique of the singing and furiated the president. Pres. Ford responded with writing a document to the journalist using many four lettered words and ended the letter with "If I ever see you in public, you better wear a cup!".

That is probably not what you wanna hear your president say, but maybe Bush should take the advice....kinda funny


  • At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It reminds you Bush is still just a good ol' boy from Texas


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